Author: Jennie Moraitis

  • How to Make A Simple Bullet Journal

    How to Make A Simple Bullet Journal

    Of all the planning methods out there, I have discovered the simple bullet journal method to be my favorite. It has been the most beneficial in helping me to set and meet goals, as well as stay organized. For years, I bought beautiful planners that I enthusiastically started on January 1st, only to face disenchantment…

  • The Sweet Simple Things in Life: Finding Joy in the Ordinary

    The Sweet Simple Things in Life: Finding Joy in the Ordinary

    Laura Ingalls Wilder said it best: “It is the sweet simple things in life which are the real ones after all.” I don’t know how I managed to read the Little House on the Prairie books a kajillion times as a kid without ever noticing that quote. But maybe it’s simply because I’m older now…

  • Mindfulness 101: Set an Intention

    Mindfulness 101: Set an Intention

    Have you ever set an intention for your day? How about setting an intention as you transition from task to task? This practice is a gamechanger when it comes to mindfulness and being more present in your daily life. Here’s how to get started. Recently I started a new practice that I wanted to share…

  • Use Your Art Supplies

    Use Your Art Supplies

    Here is a small manifesto about you taking the time to finally USE your art supplies. The precious, beautiful, perfect, and expensive ones. It’s time. It used to be that when I bought a pen I liked or a pretty little journal, I would keep them nice and pretty and “safe.” I still have Twin…

  • Why Happy Journal, Happy Life Isn’t Full of Examples

    Why Happy Journal, Happy Life Isn’t Full of Examples

    Since publishing the Kindle version of Happy Journal, Happy Life at the beginning of the month, there have been a few questions as to why I didn’t add more pictorial examples. There was a reason, actually several, that kept me from adding pages of pictures throughout the book. Believe me, I was tempted. But here…

  • How to Combat Creativity Monsters

    How to Combat Creativity Monsters

    If blank page syndrome is a real thing (and it is), then surely creativity monsters are right up there on the list. Creativity monsters are the super unhelpful gremlins that sit on your shoulder and whisper things like . . . “You’re not that original.” “Why even try?” “You’re not going to show that to…

  • How the Mini Canvas is Changing My Art Life

    How the Mini Canvas is Changing My Art Life

    Have you heard of the Painting a Day movement? It started back in 2004 when Duan Keiser set out to share his work on the internet. What started with one man has turned into thousands of artists striving to do one small painting a day – mostly every day. I am always looking for practical…

  • Anyone Can Start a Happy Journal

    Anyone Can Start a Happy Journal

    What a delicious week of happiness! Thank you for all of your support of my new eBook, Happy Journal, Happy Life. I have BIG dreams for this little book because I think it is a method of gratitude that is accessible to so many. You don’t have to be an ARTIST. You don’t have to…

  • Happy Journal, Happy Life — My Gratitude Journal Journey

    Happy Journal, Happy Life — My Gratitude Journal Journey

    This is the little book that almost didn’t happen. I was writing another book and ran into a major roadblock. And while I was digging myself out, Happy Journal, Happy Life emerged. It also almost didn’t happen because the concept of drawing my life is one I’m too familiar with. I have been sketching vignettes…

  • How to Start a Nature Journal

    How to Start a Nature Journal

    I think it’s safe to say that you and I know about the benefits of keeping a journal—any journal. Benefits like better mental clarity, boosts in both confidence and emotional intelligence, self-discipline, more creativity, increased problem-solving skills, and on and on. And there are so many great ways to keep a journal. A quick search…