Time, Money, and Organization - The Myth of the Craft Room - Join me for this podcast (plus resource list) aimed at getting you and your craft/creativity supplies organized. I'll talk about the root cause behind your disorganization as well as share some tips on getting organized on a budget. via littlegirldesigns.com

Craft Room Organization: The Myth of the Craft Room

Like that title? I think many of us have this idea that craft room organization begins with having a beautiful craft room or studio, preferably well-lit so we can photograph our projects for Instagram. Oh wait, is that just me? 😉

Seriously, though, many of us do think that more space will equal more organization, and it’s no wonder. When I Googled the phrase, “craft room organization”, I found no less than  8,290,000 results and the images revealed large spaces with plenty of shelving and cute, color-coordinated baskets that made me want to drop everything and drive over to IKEA.

But the truth is, having a craft room will not make you more organized. I’m talking about the real problem behind our disorganization today on my Time, Money, and Organization podcast. This is the third in a series where we have tackled three of our biggest frustrations concerning crafting and creativity. For the first episode on time, click here, and for the second episode on money, click here. Click the audio player below to listen to today’s episode.

Time, Money, and Organization: Craft Room Organization

Audio Player

Conquer your lack of time, money, and organization once and for all! From quick-read eBooks to a full course, there's something for everyone here but it won’t last forever, so click through to learn more.

Get the Entire Time, Money, and Organization series here!

I’ve put together all of the audiocasts I made for this series into one great class.

You’ll receive:

  • Three podcasts and transcripts (one each for the subjects of time, money, and organization)
  • One PDF workbook for note-taking, brainstorming, and further learning
  • Resource lists for each of the main topics
  • The Creative’s To-Do List mini-workbook
  • BONUS: The Habit Tracker printable
  • BONUS: 52 Week Craft Cash Savings Plan printable

Click here to purchase the course, and get started!

Resources for Craft Room Organization

In the episode above, I mentioned The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up which is about the Kon Mari method. I recommend this with some caveats that I don’t agree with everything the author mentions when it comes to “tidying up” but there are grains of truth, some of which I mentioned in the podcast and as well as in the workbook.

I also created a Craft Rooms & Organization board on Pinterest that you can look through. I’m including organizational ideas as well as craft room layouts to give us inspiration. Click the image below to check it out!

Here’s my Craft Rooms & Organization board on Pinterest

If your craft room or area feels beyond help, definitely check out Dana White’s book, Decluttering at the Speed of Life. She is hilarious and real when it comes to the pain of decluttering. And her method completely takes away the mess that is usually left behind for a decluttering project. Get her book here.

I hope this series has been an encouragement to you. It’s been fun writing these episodes and recording them in our office. My husband probably never thought the microphone he used in his garage band days would end up being used for his wife’s podcast series. Isn’t life funny that way?

Thanks once again for your support of Little Girl Designs—It’s a blessing to be able to encourage and help you in your creative journey. Have a lovely {and creative} day!

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2 responses to “Craft Room Organization: The Myth of the Craft Room”

  1. Maggie Avatar

    So many times during the podcast, found myself thinking,” THAT IS SO ME!”

    1. Jennie Avatar

      🙂 🙂 🙂 Ahem, yeah, me too. We’re all works in progress, right? 🙂 p.s. LOVE your latest box card!

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