Ginger Mint Sugar Scrub
On hot days, this is one of my favorite recipes to whip up for my tired feet: a mint sugar scrub with just a dash of ginger to make it really sparkle. The best part is I always have these ingredients on hand, and the recipe takes just a couple of minutes to mix up.…
What Creativity Looks Like: Meet Paige
Welcome back to our What Creativity Looks Like series. Every week this summer, I’ll be introducing you to some amazingly creative women. My hope is as you read these interviews and virtually meet these ladies, you’ll be inspired to create more in your own life. Let’s get started! What’s your name (and business name, if…
Bullet Journaling the Easy Way
When I first heard of bullet journaling, I was intrigued. A system where I could virtually make my own planner, where I could stash notes from books, ideas for blog posts, and my packing list for an upcoming trip?! That flexibility had always been a problem for me in traditional planners. (That and they’re getting…
How to Use Instagram Stories To Grow Your Creative Biz
Social media. If it’s not changing every week, it’s at least changing every other week, right? As a blogger and small business owner, I usually write about simple crafts and how to bring more creativity into your life via personal retreats, but today I’m stepping away from those topics to chat about the new kid…
What Creativity Looks Like: Meet Tanja
Welcome to the What Creativity Looks Like series. Every week this summer, I’ll be introducing you to some amazingly creative women. My hope is as you read these interviews and virtually meet these ladies, you’ll be inspired to create more in your own life. Let’s get started! What’s your name (and business name, if you…
Make a Get Well Card
I saw a get well card similar to this one years ago at the grocery store except the band-aid had little googly eyes. It was so cute, I stashed the idea away in my head to make someday, and today’s the day.
This is definitely a project that kids can help make, since it…
What Creativity Looks Like: Meet Barb
Welcome back to our What Creativity Looks Like series. Every week this summer, I’ll be introducing you to some amazingly creative women. My hope is as you read these interviews and virtually meet these ladies, you’ll be inspired to create more in your own life. Let’s get started! What’s your name (and business name, if…
Easy Win Projects for When You Just Want to MAKE Something
This has been an interesting summer. Although my blog has had a maybe stunning lack of craft tutorials, it hasn’t been that I’ve not been making anything. Far from it. There’s that book that I wrote . . . that took a fair amount of time. And there are projects I do all the time…
The Creative Retreat Book (Plus a Video Tour)
You’re creative. You know that, right? It doesn’t matter if you’re not a knitter or a painter. At the core of who you are, creativity flows. You might lead meetings at work like they’re nothing, you might plant a garden every spring that turns magic in the summer, or you might know how to put…
What Creativity Looks Like: Meet Lisa
Welcome back to our What Creativity Looks Like series. Every week this summer, I’ll be introducing you to some amazingly creative women. My hope is as you read these interviews and virtually meet these ladies, you’ll be inspired to create more in your own life. Let’s get started! What’s your name (and business name, if…