Author: Jennie Moraitis

  • A Free Coloring Page for You

    A Free Coloring Page for You

    Coloring pages. They’re everywhere these days, right? At Christmas, I was laughing over the cartoon where the kid is oohing over their new laptop and the mom is jumping for joy because she was given a coloring book. Real life, folks. Is this where I admit I prefer a blank sketchbook and gel pens? But…

  • Time, Money, and Organization: Show Me The Money

    Time, Money, and Organization: Show Me The Money

    Today we’re going to be talking about Money, namely how to make and save money for crafts and creative supplies. I’ll also be sharing additional thoughts concerning money that I think are important to address. If you’re new to this series, I’m sharing tips on the lack of time, lack of money, and disorganization issues…

  • Make a Little Bird Bookmark

    Make a Little Bird Bookmark

    Last year I made this little bird bookmark as a gift for my mom and it turned out so sweetly. I had a similarly designed bookmark that was plastic and wondered if watercolor paper would produce a similar result. I happened to have several scraps of watercolor paper left over from another project so decided…

  • The Real Cost of NOT Paying Yourself

    The Real Cost of NOT Paying Yourself

    Have you ever considered the real cost of not paying yourself? It can be sooo easy to short-change yourself when you are starting an online business, but it is so incredibly important to pay yourself from your business. Here’s why. Selling products and handmade items online is so doable today. Scroll through Instagram and every…

  • Time, Money, and Organization: Finding Time For Creativity

    Time, Money, and Organization: Finding Time For Creativity

    Last year, I began asking readers what their greatest crafting and creativity frustrations were. As responses began rolling in, three main frustrations kept on coming up over and over again: lack of time, lack of money, and organization issues. From young women to retirees, we all seemed to be struggling with similar problems. I’ve since…

  • How to Make a Paper Doll Card

    How to Make a Paper Doll Card

    A few weeks ago, I was clicking around Pinterest when I came across a picture of a sweet little illustration that was made with a black pen and a scrap of fabric. It was such a simple concept and of course, being a card-lover I had to give it a try. I made a few…

  • Why Great Content Matters for Your Blog and Biz

    Why Great Content Matters for Your Blog and Biz

    Hey there, I typically write about living a more creative life, retreat ideas, and simple crafts here. But today I’d like to share a bit about some of the things I’ve learned when it comes to this blogging business and why great content matters. Have you ever noticed that some businesses seem to soar into…

  • Taking A Mini Blogging Break

    Taking A Mini Blogging Break

    Hey there, so this weekend I was working on a project that I’m really excited to be able to share with you and realized that it will not be ready as quickly as I had planned. Such is life, right? So I decided to take a mini blogging break in order to finish this project…

  • Budget-Friendly Gifts He’ll Love

    Budget-Friendly Gifts He’ll Love

    Ah, Valentine’s Day. It conjures up expectations for ah-mazing gifts like few other holidays, doesn’t it? But what’s a girl to do when she wants to give her sweetheart something special but is living in the reality of a teeny-tiny gift budget? I don’t talk about our debt journey very much on this blog but…

  • How to Get Out of a Creative Rut

    How to Get Out of a Creative Rut

    The dreaded creative rut. Whatever your favorite artistic activity is, there is bound to come a time when you’ll feel stuck or worse, bored. So what’s a creative to do? One of the things I’ve learned through the years is there is so much to be learned from the community of artists and creatives around…