Tag: tips for creatives
Why Great Content Matters for Your Blog and Biz
Hey there, I typically write about living a more creative life, retreat ideas, and simple crafts here. But today I’d like to share a bit about some of the things I’ve learned when it comes to this blogging business and why great content matters. Have you ever noticed that some businesses seem to soar into…
How to Get Out of a Creative Rut
The dreaded creative rut. Whatever your favorite artistic activity is, there is bound to come a time when you’ll feel stuck or worse, bored. So what’s a creative to do? One of the things I’ve learned through the years is there is so much to be learned from the community of artists and creatives around…
How to See Like an Artist
And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. Roald Dahl This quote came across my Instagram feed last week, and since I was brainstorming this post at the time,…
What Keeps YOU from Creating?
We’re talking about what keeps you from creating today, and though I’m sure we all have different circumstances, here’s a glimpse into my reasons. Might as well be honest, right? The alarm on my phone sings its morning song and I continue to lay in bed. “Just a few more minutes”, I think as my…
Do YOUR Thing
Today I’m going to preach. This little sermonette is for those of us who are creatives, who make a living (even if it’s a little living) off of some sort of creative pursuit (writing, creating info-products, designing fabric, etc.), and especially for those who want to make a living doing this. Now please know that…
The Ultimate Gift Guide for Crafters and Creatives
Oh my goodness, I am so excited about this ultimate gift guide for crafters and creatives! This gift guide is FILLED to the brim with ideas for anyone who is creative or longs to be. I’ve included ideas for crafters, creatives, designers, moms, and everyone in between. Don’t forget to print off my free Christmas…
When (and Why) to Silence Your Inner Critic
If you’ve stumbled upon this article, I’d venture to guess that, like many of us creative types, you struggle with your inner critic. I received an email from a reader recently who asked about this subject and since have heard from several more readers who wonder if it’s a good idea to silence your inner…
Consume Less, Create More
I think the phrase, “Consume Less, Create More” is going to be my new motto. I would like to make it into a t-shirt, write it on Post-it notes, and create an automatic message that pops up on my computer screen every now and then to remind me. A little overboard? Maybe. But seriously, this…
How Your Past Can Stifle Your Creativity
I’ve been receiving emails from readers lately that have struck up a little something in me that I need to share with you. Namely, how we place rules on how and when we can create. As I was thinking about this, I began to wonder if these rules we’ve set up (whether consciously or not)…
The Creative’s To Do List – A Strategy that Works
Creative overload. It’s a real thing, folks. I’m not sure if you can be diagnosed by a medical doctor if you’re suffering from it, but it’s actually a real problem if you’re a creative person. It comes disguised in a to do list that never ends, that morphs and stretches and begs you to add…