Category: Prompts and Tips

  • Art All The Time—Create Opportunities for Your Child to Create

    Art All The Time—Create Opportunities for Your Child to Create

    We love to make art projects of all kinds around here. But I’ll be honest, sometimes I don’t want to deal with the clean up (and the set up) part. So I’ve made it a point to make art accessible—to create opportunities for my child to easily create all day long. Get a Clipboard Some…

  • Learn How to See Like an Artist

    Learn How to See Like an Artist

    Here are seven ways to see like an artist and to incorporate moments of creative thinking into your life. Your creative life will expand exponentially the more you practice these tips. And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.…

  • How to Make a Goal Map for Creatives

    How to Make a Goal Map for Creatives

    Have you ever created a goal map for your aspirations for the year? How about for the projects and ideas you’d like to accomplish in your creative life? If you’re new to this whole making goals for your creative life thing, then read this article first on why it’s important to make them. Then come…

  • How to Choose a Word of the Year

    How to Choose a Word of the Year

    Want to learn how to choose a word of the year? Let’s make this as easy as possible! Have you seen this thing called choosing a word of the year in your Instagram feed? Or anywhere for that matter? A lot of people decide at the beginning of the year that one word will be…

  • Be Brave In Your Life, Creativity, and Art Journal!

    Be Brave In Your Life, Creativity, and Art Journal!

    How can you be brave in your life AND your art journal? I’m glad you asked! We are currently in the middle of an art journaling challenge where we are diving deep into a prompt for two weeks at a time. It’s been a fun journey to use these prompts to draw, collage, paint, and…

  • How to Fail in Three Easy Steps (And Why You Need To)

    How to Fail in Three Easy Steps (And Why You Need To)

    Considering failure is one of the Big Fears many of us creatives face, writing a post on how to fail might seem a bit . . . well, strange. But how are we going to ever push past this fear if we keep on giving it teeth? You know how it is: when you feed…

  • Three Ways to Make Time for Creativity

    Three Ways to Make Time for Creativity

    Ah, the time factor. Have you ever wanted to jump into a creative project and then talked yourself out of it because of the time involved? Maybe you imagined hauling out all the fabric and sorting it. Or searching through your closet or drawers for the knitting needles. Or driving over to the store to…

  • Creative Prompt: Use What You Have

    Creative Prompt: Use What You Have

    This week on The Creative Play Challenge, we’re going to do one my favorite things. Our prompt is to use what you have to make a project. Yes, of course I love new craft supplies. At the time of writing this post, I’m looking forward to Jane Davenport’s new line of paint materials like you…

  • Things That Make Me Happy {An Exercise in Thanksgiving}

    Things That Make Me Happy {An Exercise in Thanksgiving}

    Have you ever written a “Things That Make Me Happy” list? It’s a great exercise to develop a more thankful heart! As I’m writing this, Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. The trees in our neighborhood are almost bare, well, with the exception of the lichen that stays year-round. And the neighbors are starting…

  • How to Be a Tourist in Your Own Town

    How to Be a Tourist in Your Own Town

    So . . . this post on how to be a tourist in your own town has literally been sitting in outline form in my drafts folder for over a year. Every time I sit down to finish it, a little voice in my head reminds me that I’m not the hometown tourist I used…