Author: Jennie Moraitis
A Creative Idea for Snail Mail
I LOVE this creative snail mail idea! So simple, but it’s a great way to add an extra bit of fun to your letters. Enjoy! I couldn’t get this creative snail mail idea out of my head so I decided to make it for my mom for her birthday. She still writes me (even though…
Use What You Have: 5 Ideas to Get You Started
This post is the third in a series on using the supplies you already have at home as a crafter. You can read the first post about how you don’t need a craft store to be creative and the second on how using what you already have can super-charge your creativity here. So after reading…
Make a Heart Envelope and Star Bunting
Learn how to make a heart envelope and star bunting with these two quick tutorials! Recently I found an old star paper punch in my craft drawer and knew that it was destined for a project. I’m currently working on a very special present that I’ll be sharing next week and decided that I needed…
Use What You Have: How Your Craft Stash Can Supercharge Your Creativity
This is the second in a series of posts about using what you have. If you’d like to read the first post on why you don’t need the craft store even if you’re a creative person, click here. In the past few weeks, I’ve been asked several times where I get my inspiration for the…
What a Teacher Really Wants for Teacher Appreciation Day
Ah, Teacher Appreciation Day. I grew up in a family of teachers so I had a front row seat in seeing what parents actually made and bought for their children’s teachers each year. For this post, I thought I’d ask my parents which gifts stood out for them (in a positive way!) and what they…
Decorated Clothespin Crafts
There is a wall in our living room that was begging for some sort of decoration when we moved in so I tacked up a long piece of twine and hung various pictures and quotes with clothespins on the line. The clothespins I used were bought for a creative retreat I hosted years ago and…
Use What You Have: Why You Don’t Need the Craft Store
Before we get started, let me say that I love a good craft store. As a creative person, there is nothing quite like walking up and down neatly organized aisles of gorgeous and inspiring craft supplies. Just last week I was at a craft store and came across pre-cut papers for quilling and thought how…
A Maker Makes
I was sketching in my sketchbook one afternoon and this thought came to me: “A maker makes, even when no one sees.” I thought about all of the people in this world who make things, beautiful things, and who will never be heralded or read about on the internet or magazines. They will never find…
April is Letter Writing Month
I recently discovered that April is National Letter Writing Month. How fun is that? Letters are such a great way to keep in touch. Even though we live in an age where an email, tweet, or text flies much faster to the recipient, there is still something about opening the mailbox to find a real,…